I began creating an innovative comprehensive approach integrating the best of Eastern and Western therapeutic theories over 35 years ago. This holistic approach for health and wellness offers a whole-body healing philosophy addressing neurological, structural, and emotional imbalances for pain, stress, and chronic illness management. Whole-body wellness is based on balancing the nervous system to promote optimal health.
My Mantra: Restore balance to the body by calming the mind, relax the body, and open-up energy to promote natural healing with improved functionality.
This integrated approach applies the power of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is based on the fact that the brain can regenerate, when it is provided with the proper training, stimulation, and healing.
Whole-body wellness and neuroplasticity incorporate mindfullness and meditation skills as habits to "access consistent joyful living."
I coach and teach clients how to create holistic habits that facilitate optimal health and wellness.
As a holistic health practitioner I am grateful to work with clients and witness their wonderful progress as they adopt mindfulness and mediation habits. Additionally, I have been incredibily blessed that I found MAP. MAP allows me the ability to share my skill set with other professionals as part of a team to leverage our clients' success and goals.
The training and personal growth opportunities MAP offers me, have truly been a gift from God! MAP has excelled my mindfulness and meditation practices to a whole new level. I am absolutely humbled to share this cutting-edge approach with my family, friends, colleagues, and clients!​

Education and Certifications

Specialize Education & Training
MAP Coaching Institute:
Certified MAP Practitioner
Light University:
Mental Health Faith Based Coach
Mindfulness & Meditation Coach
Licensed Massage Therapist: Jin Shin Do Acupressure, Myofascial Release, Cranial Sacral, Strain/Counterstrain, Bonnie Prudent Trigger Point. Therapy. Sports Massage, Thai Yoga Massage.
Advance training in Acutherapy
Advanced training in Low Level Light Laser/Cold Laser Therapy
Advanced training in Microcurrent Point Stimulation
Neuromuscular Developmental Therapy
The Feldenkrais Method

Cuyahoga Community College
Associate of Applied Science in Physical Therapy 1987
Ohio College of Massotherapy:
Medical Massage Therapy Degree 1989

Specialize Education & Training
Certified Personal Trainer / Certified Brain Health Trainer / Sports & Fitness Trainer / Functional Strength Trainer
Mindful Movement
Health Coaching Certification
Nutritional Wellness
Reiki Master
Pan Gu Shengong / Qi Gong
EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique
doTERRA Aroma Therapy
Sound Therapy
Color Therapy
Crystal Therapy
Hospice End of Life Training
To the one who planted the seed for the Process Healing Method,Dr Gary A. Flint, and to the one who watered the seed, the founder of MAP Colette Streicher.
Mission Statement
My passion empowers individuals to experience abundance in health & wellness, by minimizing limitations to achieve their full potential.

Simplifying is like weeding your garden. It allows you to get rid of unwanted clutter so you appreciate the beauty of what you already have.
Simplicity brings a sense of order, clarity of thought, and spirit of renewal. Simplicity allows us to live in a state of grace, get back to basics, find more time and energy.
Henry David Thoreau
