MAP in Action
Clear Memories & Create Desires

Clear Memories & Create Desires
Clear Memories & Create Desires
The MAP Method™ opens many new opportunities that will achieve holistic balance in your life. MAP addresses the root of the underlying cause to stress and chronic conditions. You can release the underlying trauma, memory, or mindset blocks to achieve true freedom for quality of life and health.
MAP can bring the nervous system and body back into balance/neutrality, which supports and accelerates the healing process. MAP can support the entire body, bringing ease, gentle energy, and balance into all the systems of the body so that they can work efficiently to rebuild and rejuvenate.
Emotions function as a magnet and increase the magnetism of our thoughts. The more emotion memories have, the more power they have to influence where our attention goes, which feeds them.
Attention is the life source of mental creations, such as events and beliefs.
After handling a negatively charged emotion, space is created to reinforce a positively charged emotion.
When we neutralize negative events, they no longer affect our attention. And when we can free the attention, it becomes an entry point for new thoughts and evolution to occur.
When we address the mind and the memories of physical pain or distress, there is the potential for a dramatic decrease in pain and chronic illness. By keeping the mind open, you leave space for immediate physical progress to be achieved.
Beliefs are thoughts that we don’t question anymore. Beliefs are one of the most powerful aspects we can address with others and ourselves. They affect the way we look at something, they affect the way we act about things, and therefore, beliefs affect how our lives turn out.
MAP replaces negative dis-empowering beliefs with positive and empowering beliefs that the client finds for themselves.
MAP can eventually be used by you "incognito". The self-help version can be done anytime anywhere in the middle of life and is taught to the client. For example, it can be done in the middle of a tennis match, just 5 seconds before giving a speech, during an important meeting. All this unknowingly to the outside world. "MAP on the GO" is a skill you will love because it will empower you in your daily life, between sessions. We all know that daily self-help is critical to success.
Clear & Create
Start Your New Life Today
Truly Honor Yourself!
What You Will Learn From Your “Journey to Access a Joyful Life!”
MAP IT! Neutralize Your Subconscious Blocks
MAP is a 5-step method to achieve whatever you desire.
1. Magnify- Clarify what you truly, truly desire using heart -centered focus. 3
core choices: Happy, Healthy, Authentic.
2. MAP-it- Clear the subconscious blocks and programs that are holding you
back using the revolutionary MAP-process.
3. Magnetize- Create new neural pathways by practicing the feelings that you
want to feel.
4. Meditate- Quiet your mind, open yourself to receive, and listen to your
inner guidance.
5. Manifest- Take inspired action from a place of feeling good. Stay in the
“Flow Zone” and watch creation unfold with ease and synchronicity.
Personalized Sessions via Zoom